Create your GDPS in less than a minute!

Start with our generous free tier, we'll take care of hosting.
No manual setup required! Simply log in and create your first GDPS.

You will need to have a Discord account and have a legitimate copy of Geometry Dash to use our services. By using our service you'll automatically join our Discord server as well.

Free to Start

Start with 3GB of storage, a free subdomain of your choice and a variety of tools to manage your GDPS.

Easy Setup

Don't worry about patching the right address into the right files. Our servers will create the game files for Windows and Android and pre-configure the server automatically for you.

We currently don't support MacOS / iOS.


You're not alone in the GDPS space. We have a small Community Guide that is mostly maintained by our community. Check out our Discord server for more updates and occasional giveaways!

Partnered with GDPS Hub

Find new players by publishing your GDPS in GDPS Hub. It hosts some of the most well-known GDPSs out there!


Never say "soon" too soon by Rya [23rd Feb 2024]

I said it'd come in early 2024 and I was right!! ...i hope. Anyway, 2.2 is now officially supported! All new GDPSs are 2.2-ready and even have a pre-configured database for easier setup. Important note: For older GDPSs, you will have to wait for the version selector to come out!!! Additionally, we have been working on a new (and probably first ever) feature: A custom SFX server! You can join our Discord Server and upload sound effects via our bot. Best of all: Our SFX server can be used on any GDPS, even outside of GDPSFH. Replace the link in getCustomContentURL.php with

GDPS Creation back, now with a new frontpage! by Rya [12th Dec 2023]

I am glad to announce that we now have a neat-looking frontpage for GDPSFH! I hope that I can later make the panel look be consistent with the frontpage. Additionally, I now have done a little cleanup and removed all GDPSs that were broken or completely unused (totalling over 1500 GDPSs). That means that the wait for GDPS Creation to work again is now over!! This should stay up even once 2.2 releases (however a version selector Will not be available immediately). Last, we're trying out putting some ads on the panel to ease the cost of running the server from our own pocket. Don't worry, your GDPSs will stay ad-free. (Edit: I hate ad providers!!! augh) - If you want to suggest ideas what I should add to GDPSFH, please tell me! I'll most likely have some time left to add extra features after we get 2.2 working on GDPSFH.